Built to ATF Specifications
Explosive Storage Magazines | Type 2, Type 3 Day Boxes, IME, Type 3 Combo Units, and Type 4
Explosive Storage Magazines provide safe and ATF compliant storage for High and Low Explosives. Get special prices on Type 2, Type 3 Day boxes and Type 4 Magazines for indoor or outdoor ordinance uses.
Indoor type 2 magazines are designed to be fire and theft resistant. Type 2 indoor bullet resistant units are also available. Outdoor type 2 magazines are designed to be bullet resistant, fire resistant, weather and theft resistant as well as ventilated.
Approved for bulk and packaged Ammonium Nitrate, ANFO, Emulsions, ANFO/Emulsion Blends and Water Gels or Initiation systems with primers, cords, that are electric or nonelectric as well as breaching materials and pyrotechnics. We also have temporary storage boxes for DOT class 1.3, 1.4 fireworks, cartridges, flare guns, distress signal flares, Def Tec flashbangs, Reloads, Non-reloads, cases of materials and other related materials.
Get special prices or custom built options today | Law Enforcement In-Vehicle Day Boxes Available
M100 Type 2 Explosive Storage Magazine for Indoor Storage
M100 Type 2 Explosive Storage Magazine for Outdoor Storage
Top Load Type 3 IME Combo Box - T3-IN-COMBO-60x24x24
Top Load Type 3 Day Box - T3-IN-24x18x12
Type 2 Outdoor Bullet Resistant Storage Magazine - T2-OUT-BR-48x48x48
Type 2 Outdoor Bullet Resistant Storage Magazine - T2-OUT-BR-60x48x84
Type 2 Outdoor Bullet Resistant Storage Magazine - T2-OUT-BR-66x66x84
Type 2 Outdoor Bullet Resistant Storage Magazine - T2-OUT-BR-84x66x84
Type 2 Outdoor Bullet Resistant Storage Magazine - T2-OUT-BR-72x72x72
Type 2 Outdoor Bullet Resistant Storage Magazine - T2-OUT-BR-96x84x84
Type 2 Outdoor Bullet Resistant Storage Magazine - T2-OUT-BR-192x84x84
Type 2 Outdoor Bullet Resistant Storage Magazine - T2-OUT-BR-264x84x84
Explosives Storage Solutions
Working direct with the manufacturer of Type 2, Type 3 & Type 4 explosive storage magazines means you get the highest security, ATF and DoD Compliant solutions for every type and category of explosives, ammunition or and Ammonium Nitrate (ANFO) and Emulsion Storage and Distribution. We offer custom built and fully turnkey dayboxes, storage magazines and bult storage bins for any application or industry.
- K-9 Dog Training
- Mining, Rock Quarry Operations
- Blasting & Avalanche Control
- 1.3G Aerial Fireworks
- Detonators & Blasting Agents
- DoD Compliance
- ATF Compliance
- Well Drilling
- and more
Type 3 Flash-Bang Boxes for Vehicles & Police Station
Law enforcement regulations & requirement changes dictate that per ATF standards, no more than 10 flash bang devices are permitted in patrol cars or vehicles. Type III day boxes are for in vehicle mobile storage and not permitted for overnight storage of flash bangs devices.
- Flash-Noise Distraction Devices
- Noise/Flash charges
- Detonators containing approx. 8 grains of ATF-classified explosive material
- Explosives may be subject to storage magazine Type III, Type II or Type I for permanent storage applications.
Compare the pros and cons of turnkey vs custom built explosives storage magazines and review the best prices and pricing for budgetary purchases.